Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Blood Type Diet

The Blood Type is :

The blood type diet is based on the idea that blood type O, A, B, or AB-determines the types of foods you should eat and the exercise you should get. According to naturopathic physician Peter J. D'Adamo, who wrote "Eat Right for Your Type: The Individualized Diet Solution to staying healthy, living longer and achieving your ideal weight," eat the wrong food for your blood type leads to health problems and excess weight.
As the blood type diet is a nutritional diet for weight loss diet, D'Adamo says that people lose weight as a side effect of the diet. Lose weight, avoiding foods that are inconsistent with good health for their blood groups. According to the proponents of the diet, when you eat out of your blood they become more susceptible to inflammation, bloating, a slower metabolism, and even cancer.
Do you need anything, but the book, which retails for $ 24.95, to follow the Blood Type Diet. Your food should not cost more than in the past, except perhaps if you choose to eat more foods grown organically.
The book goes into more detail about the foods and exercises for each blood type. Subsequently, the basic information on foods to eat and foods to avoid, recommended exercise and sample menus for each type.
type O

- Eat lean meats, poultry and fish.
- Grains and legumes limit.
- Avoid avocado, orange, cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and Brazil nuts.
- Exercising vigorously.
- Breakfast: 2 slices of sprouted grain bread with butter, six ounces of vegetable juice, a banana and herbal tea.
Lunch - 6 oz organic roast beef, spinach salad, apples and water.
- Snack: 1 slice of cake and tea.
Dinner - meat and vegetables, fruits, herbs, tea, beer or wine.
type A

Eat a mostly vegetarian diet with soy protein, grains and vegetables.
Limit the milk.
Avoid red meat, beans and beans.
Make gentle relaxing exercise, such as yoga or tai chi. Do not exercise to the point of fatigue.
Breakfast: Water with lemon, oatmeal with soy milk and maple syrup, grapefruit juice and coffee or tea.
Lunch: salad, apple, a slice of sprouted grain bread and herbal teas.
Snack: 2 rice cakes with peanut butter, two plums, and green tea or water.
Dinner: Pasta with pesto, broccoli, yogurt, and coffee, tea, or red wine.
type B

Eating dairy products, lean meat, low fat, fruit and vegetables.
Avoid chicken, milk, wheat, corn, peanuts, wheat, sesame seeds, and lentils.
Do moderate exercise. Do not exercise to the point of fatigue.
Breakfast: rice bran cereal with bananas and skim milk and grape juice.
Lunch: A sandwich a slice of cheese, a slice of turkey breast, two pieces of bread and mustard or mayonnaise, green salad and herbal teas.
Snack: yogurt sweetened with fruit juice and herbal tea.
Dinner: grilled fish with steamed vegetables, fresh fruit and tea or coffee herbal.
Type AB

- Eat fish, tofu, milk, fruits and vegetables.
- Avoid red meat, seeds, beans and beans.
- Combining calming exercise such as yoga or tai chi with moderate physical activity, such as cycling or hiking.
- Breakfast: Water with Lemon, 8 ounces of grapefruit juice mixed with water, 2 slices of sprouted grain bread, yogurt and coffee.
- Lunch: 4 ounces sliced ​​turkey breast, 2 slices of rye bread, salad, 2 plums, and herbal teas.
- Lunch: tofu cheesecake and herbal tea
- Dinner: Tofu omelet, vegetables, fruit salad and tea, decaffeinated coffee, or red wine.

How does work?
Using the book as your guide, eat the recommended foods for your blood type and do not eat this kind of avoided. It is not necessary to measure the portion sizes or counting calories or carbohydrates.
It is also follow the exercise prescribed for the type of blood. The book goes into great detail not only the type of exercise you should have, but also on how you should exercise. 

Advantages of blood type diet
The blood type diet encourages dieters to reduce processed foods.
The diet includes exercise an important component of any program of weight loss in the long term.
Not expensive to eat according to blood type diet.
You do not have to track calories, carbs or fat grams, which is an advantage, because the count tends to discourage many dieters.
The book includes low-calorie diets, which should help people lose weight.
The Blood Type Diet approach in not one-size-fits-all approach to dieting. 

Concerns about the Blood Type Diet
This is a complex diet that requires continual reference to lists very detailed about what and how much to eat. It would be very difficult for more than one person in a family to follow the Blood Type Diet, if they have different blood types.
No scientific research states that supports the diet improves health and promotes weight loss. There are only reports of people to support these claims.
There is no concrete plan meal. The followers of the blood type diet choose foods based on lists, which can lead to balanced and nutritious diet, but can not.

Talk to your doctor
The blood type diet is controversial. Many people feel that a change in the food we eat has a profound effect on your health and weight. However, there is a lack of scientific evidence that determines the type of blood that food is right for every person.
Before embarking on the blood type diet, talk to your doctor. Show them the diet for the type of blood. Your doctor will be able to tell if this is a good diet for personal health and weight loss goals.

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