Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Baby Food Diet

The Baby Food Diet is :

The child's diet is so new there are no books or comprehensive guidelines to provide more details on how it works or how to follow it. And 'considered a celebrity diet, designed by trainers to the stars for their customers stars. It allows dieters to curb your cravings for food, eating on the run, and lose weight fast.
You can choose from a number of versions of the child's diet. You can replace one or two meals a day and snacks with baby food in jars. Or you can simply replace the snacks with baby food. In theory, you could replace all your meals with baby food, but most of the supporters of this diet recommend a regular adult meal every day, plus four 14 oz jars of baby food.
The idea behind the diet is that the child is satisfied with less food. Because the food is so pleasant and unpleasant, you do not overeat. And why do not you eat too much, you lose weight. Some consider it a sort of cleansing or detoxification. 

On the "Baby Food"
Following the child's diet should lead to take less calories and therefore weight loss. However, not all baby food has the same amount of calories, so you need to choose carefully or you will end up with too many calories. Take a look at the calorie content of some of the most popular baby food (calories are approximate for one ounce serving 3.5-4):

- Gerber or Beechnut apple: 60
- Gerber or Beechnut bananas: 112
- Gerber meat with vegetables: 67
- Earth's Best organic pumpkin: 40
- Best and Gerber Organic Pears Earth: 80
- Beechnut, Gerber or Heinz beans: 28
- Heinz organic lamb with vegetables: 75
- Heinz apricots: 80
- Heinz banana / grapes / Plum: 120 

You can see from this short list that 14 jars of baby food can vary from a minimum of 392 calories per day to a maximum of 1,680 calories per day. You have to read the labels carefully so you can be aware of your calorie intake. Unfortunately, the diet of baby food is not recommended followers on how many calories should get from baby food and how much to a real meal.
You also have to be careful with additives. Many people mistakenly believe that baby food contains no preservatives or other additives. The fact is that some baby foods have additives and preservatives. If you want to use no additives and no preservatives claims defenders Baby Food Diet, you need to read the labels carefully.
The good news is that the baby food is full of nutrients and tends to be low in fat, sugar and salt. You also have a wide variety of foods to choose from, which can help to get bored with this diet. 

Benefits of the diet of "baby food"
Baby food is readily available and affordable. It does not need refrigeration. You do not even need a packed lunch. You can easily carry it with you and eat wherever you are.
Because the food is so bland majority of people are not tempted to overeat. There is a tremendous amount of variety in the types of baby food available.
You can choose gluten-free and organic baby food, and you can certainly keep a vegetarian diet.
Portion control is easy. 

Concerns about the diet of "baby food"
Baby food has the nutrients that children need, but does not meet the nutritional needs of adults. Child fiber food lacks adequate intake of calcium and vitamin D is very low fat healthy adults need.
Depending on your choices, you could find yourself with a dangerously low calorie intake. Too few calories can slow down the metabolism, which reduces the weight loss. Not getting enough calories can also trigger eating disorders. In addition, it can affect the level of sugar in the blood, causing spikes that lead to hunger and food cravings.
Chew adds to the feeling of satiety. Pureed food can leave you feeling unsatisfied and hungry.
The diet does not teach the child to eat healthy diet, portion control, food preparation, and meal planning. There is no exercise component to the diet, nor is there a plan for the maintenance of long-term weight.
The child's diet lacks guidance on what types of foods for children to eat, what to expect in the diet, such as eating a balanced diet for baby food, how to move in and out of the diet, and other important matters of the diet. For example, the information available, it is unclear whether the followers are eating 14 jars of baby food in place of some or all of your meals or snacks. If you eat a real meal, you must eat 14 jars of baby food a day? Where is the magic number is 14?
In addition, no scientific studies support the claims of the diet. The risks and benefits of long-term diet are not known.
This is a diet extremely limited, which becomes unsustainable for over a very limited amount of time. 

When considering the diet of baby food, nutrition experts point out that any diet that restricts calories can lead to weight loss. Most nutritionists recommend that people who want to lose weight, choose a more balanced diet and less restrictive. They recommend a healthy diet rich in whole grains, fruits and vegetables, lean protein and exercise, more regular and healthy eating habits. In addition, many experts agree that a couple of days in your child's diet can do harm to many people.
As with all diets, it's a good idea to consult your doctor before embarking on your child's diet, especially if you take drugs or have serious health problems.

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