Sunday, April 21, 2013

Paleolithic Diet Plan

The Paleolithic Diet Plan is : 
Paleolithic diet is based on the premise that eating people during the Paleolithic Age, which ended 10,000 years ago with the advent of agriculture ate much healthier than what we eat today is based. The idea is that the human diet for two and a half million years ago, was developed in the stone age, what is appropriate to diet for the human genome. Agriculture and other changes to the Neolithic period (which followed the Stone Age) to do the human diet less healthy, which accused to a huge increase in chronic diseases.Proponents of the Paleolithic diet believe that the people of the Paleolithic diet was lean, fit and healthy and not suffering from heart disease and cancer, their diet 21 Century makes people healthier and fitter.Paleolithic diet has a number of aliases. You may hear it called the Caveman Diet, the paleodiet, Stone Age Diet or Diet Gater minutes.With limited carbohydrates and saturated fats paleolithic diet includes plenty of protein. In fact. 20 to 35 percent of the Paleolithic diet protein Recognizing that wild fauna and flora of 10,000 years or more largely inaccessible to the Paleolithic diet, what people ate back then approximates today.

What do you eat?The main food of the Paleolithic Diet are:

- Beef;
- Offal (liver and kidney);
- Chicken;
- Fish;
- Vegetables, especially root vegetables like parsnips, turnips and carrots;
- Fruit, especially berries.
- Nuts, especially Brazil nuts, walnuts, almonds and macadamia nuts,
- Eggs;
- Olive, walnut and flaxseed oil, and
- Unsweetened almond milk and coconut milk as a substitute for dairy products.

Meat, fish, poultry and eggs are the mainstay of the Paleolithic diet. Ideally, it should come as close as possible awakens from animals that were related to their natural life. That is, raised free-range, grass and pasture beef, wild fish, etc. Organic and locally raised fruits and vegetables are preferred.

Banned in Paleolithic Diet are:

- Cereals, such as bread and pasta;
- Cashews;
- Legumes, including beans, dried beans, lentils, peas, peanuts;
- Potatoes, sweet potatoes and other starchy vegetables;
- Dairy;
- Sugar;
- Salt and
- Processed food products.

It is worth mentioning that different doctors eat different foods on the Paleolithic diet. If the list shown above, the foods that most are usually allowed and forbidden lists some of Paleo foods starchy vegetables, butter, cream, yogurt and / or a lot of saturated fat.

How does it work?It is very easy to follow the Paleolithic diet: eat food lists. There is no counting, measuring, or portion control. Some Paleo diet enthusiasts say they spend about $ 100 per week for food.For breakfast you can have scrambled eggs and bacon. Lunch, a green salad with grilled fish or chicken to be crowned and topped with almonds. Dinner may or grilled lamb chops with broccoli and carrots. For snacks, you can hard-boiled eggs, nuts, seeds, celery and carrot sticks, avocado, fruit or toppings.The people of the Old Stone Age got a lot of physical activity, and so will you if you follow this diet. It can refer to Loren Cordain, The Paleo Diet is the one exercise help scientists wrote. You can not find yourself looking for food, or build your own house, but you can do intense cardio and strength equipment activities such as running and jumping. Some Paleo diet enthusiasts are doing what they call "evolutionary fitness training." Instead of heading to the gym, run barefoot in the mountains, lifting heavy stones and commute on all fours.If you want to go beyond the basics of nutrition, living Paleo Diet advocates in harmony with nature and with our food sources.

Advantages:Paleolithic diet is low glycemic and low sodium and high potassium, all of which are good for heart health. The diet is very nutritious, it exceeds the minimum daily requirement of vitamins and minerals. Plus, there are no processed foods.It is possible, but not yet definitively known that the Paleolithic diet can in the prevention and / or treatment of high blood pressure, high blood sugar and high in fat and cholesterol effectively.Because it is gluten and casein can be a good diet for people with gluten intolerance.Most people will probably lose weight on this diet.The Paleo Diet contains exercises and lifestyle changes that are both useful supplement to a healthy diet.

Concerns:Since the Paleolithic diet is extremely low in carbohydrates, many people have a difficult time setting from their normal diet.The diet contains a lot of omega-6 and is not much of omega-3 is an imbalance that can lead to inflammation.Depending on the type of protein you choose to eat, you can be in a lot of saturated fat in the diet. There is a big difference between the hearty healthy well-marbled meat and bacon, on the one hand and chicken breast and fish on the other side.If you eat the extra mil and go grass-fed meats and free-range chicken, you can spending more than you're used to eating to finish. Plus, depending on where you live, raised flesh of animals, natural and organic vegetables and fruits can be hard to find.The intensive practice of many paleo diet practitioners are not sure practiced something for everyone.

Is it right for you?It is a good idea to consult your doctor before you start Paleolithic diet that is with any new diet and exercise regime. Your doctor can assess the risks and benefits of the Paleolithic diet for your specific needs. And if you have questions or concerns about your health while you are on a diet, you should consult your doctor.

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