Monday, June 3, 2013

Unique Fat Loss Tips

If you are like millions of Americans today, you want to lose that spare tire around your waist or that extra cushion on your butt that just does not seem to want to let go. There is a solution to your problems, you will just have to stick to it and you will begin to see results! This article is all about unique fat loss tips.
List of unique fat loss tips
• Plan your meals by creating a menu to follow (be sure to stick to it)
• Ask a friend to workout with (it makes it fun)
• Clean out the kitchen!
• Pick out upbeat music to work out to
• Join a cardio class
• If you have questions, go online
• Substitute good food for the bad
• Read up on how many calories you will need to keep you healthy so you can loss fat
• Motivate yourself- maybe buy a new work out outfit.
• Write a journal with all of the changes and progress you have made
• Watch less TV
• If you already walk, add 10 minutes to your walk, if you do not already walk start out at 10 minutes and add more as you go.
• Ask your spouse/partner to workout with you
• Drink Green Tea in the place of other beverages
• See if you can get in an early morning cardio class. (Great way to start a day)
• Eat foods high in fiber
• Do not expect it to be easy.
• *IMPORTANT* Processed foods are bad!
• You can freeze small portions of the food you will be eating
• Walking on an incline can help with the extra fat on your butt and thigh areas
• Research and see what foods contain healthy fats
• Go on a vacation-make sure it is an adventure not a couch potato type vacation
• Remember there is not anything wrong with a late night snack as long as it is a healthy snack.
Before you go to the grocery store, plan what you will have for your meals for the week. Stick to that grocery list.
TIP: Keep fattening foods out of the house and it will be easier to stick to your fat loss diet! Be sure to buy substitutions for fatty foods. Eat fiber.
Working out with a friend or your spouse can make it enjoyable and you will not even realize you are working out. TIP: Be sure the cabinets have been cleaned out. Get your friend or spouse to help you.
Everybody hates to work out, but if you get some upbeat music you will enjoy your workout better. Now if working out on your own is not working for you, join a cardio class. Preferably in the morning time!
If you have questions about your workout, how many calories you need to lose the fat, or just support; contact a weight loss professional online. They are always glad to help.
Motivation is a big part of losing weight. If you are not motivated you will generally lose interest in working out. Did you know that one type of motivation is purchasing a new outfit to workout in?
Purchase a journal/diary so you can keep up with you daily progress. Throw out the scales, you only need to stick to your routine and you will see results! If you want to lose fat at a faster pace, turn the TV off, go outside for a walk.
Do not get discouraged! These unique fat loss tips will help you begin working on a new you in no time!
abdominal fat loss, fit or fat, fit to fat, fit and fat, fat loss tip, exercises for fat loss at home,

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