Monday, June 10, 2013

3 Secrets to Lose Fat Fast

1. Get Back to Basics -
As women, we tend to try all the new fads and workouts out there, but classic, multi-muscle exercises like squats, pull-ups, and push-ups work because they force you to use multiple muscle groups at once. The more muscles you activate, the more fat you'll slash and in less time! I know, I hate some of these exercises too; however, if you want fast results get back to the basics. The best part is you can do these exercises anywhere using very little equipment and your own body weight.
2. Focus More on Resistance Training & Less on Cardio -
Reality is, more women perform cardio as their primary means of weight loss. What do men focus on? Resistance training! Don't worry, you won't bulk up because you lack high enough amounts of the hormone testosterone to create bulk. The best thing about resistance training is that your body adapts to the new muscle mass you'll build, which means your metabolism will be higher, you'll burn more calories, and you'll change your hormones (like insulin) to handle the foods you love.
When resistance training, make sure that you work hard! I tell my clients to "fry out" their muscles. At the end of a set, you should feel fatigue and muscle burn. The number one rule; however, is to make sure that you are always using correct form. I strongly recommend hiring a certified trainer to teach you correct form before adding resistance.
3. Increase Your Intensity -
Most men go into a gym with a "go big" or "go home" mentality! I've spent enough time in gyms and have seen my share of women reading books on treadmills and bikes and then get asked, "Why can't I lose weight?" It has been engrained in them to spend hours on cardio equipment to burn fat. Now I don't know about you, but I think we all have way too much to do to spend hours working out and not getting the results we want.
When you go to the gym or to workout, you want to get in and get out! Longer workouts are not better workouts. Intense workouts work! Your heart rate should be elevated; you should sweat and feel muscle burn. Transforming your body does not take a lot of time, but it does take a lot of effort!
eat fat lose fat, losing fat fast, lose fat by eating fat, lose fats, how to lose stomach fats, best training to lose fat, interval training to lose fat,

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